City of Peru, Illinois Logo

The City of Peru is a home rule municipal corporation located in LaSalle and Bureau counties, Illinois. As of the 2020 census, the population of Peru was 9,896. The purpose of the City of Peru is to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.  

Peru follows the aldermanic-city form of municipal government. The City is split into four wards, each of which is represented by two elected alderpersons for four-year terms. Terms are staggered so that half of the alderpersons are elected every two years. As a whole, the alderpersons make up the City Council and serve as the legislative body of the City. The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the City and is elected at-large to a four-year term, as are the City Clerk and City Treasurer.   

The Mayor and City Council are responsible for approving all Ordinances and Resolutions, and provide direction and focus for the City. The City Clerk is the keeper of the records and maintain all documents approved by the City Council. Among its many other duties, the Office of the City Clerk is responsible for oversight and collection of utility services and special assessments, Freedom of Information Act inquiries, voter registration, and City Cemetery records. The City Treasurer is the custodian of all funds belonging to the City and, as such, is responsible for issuing receipts for money received and keeping accurate books and accounts for each fund or appropriation.  


City of Peru Organizational Chart













The City of Peru strives to provide quality public services to its residents through its various departments:  

  • The Peru Police Department is a full-service agency dedicated to the prevention of crime and protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances; and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees.  
  • The Peru Fire Department It is the primary mission of the Peru Fire Department to provide a variety of services designed to protect the lives and property of our customer base, the citizens of Peru and surrounding areas from the adverse effects of fire, sudden medical emergencies or the exposure to dangerous conditions caused by man and nature in an efficient, professional and well trained manner. 
  • The Electric Department is responsible for the management, operation, and maintenance of the City’s municipally-owned electric generation, transmission, and distribution systems, which have operated continuously since 1891 and include the Starved Rock hydroelectric power station – the only hydroelectric generating facility on the Illinois River.  
  • The Public Works Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all public infrastructure, equipment, and grounds.  The Public Works Department consists of several divisions:  
    • The Water Department manages the City’s water utility infrastructure. It provides for the maintenance, repair and replacement of City water mains, hydrants and meters; performs water utility locates, and responds to various water service issues. 
    • The Sewer Department manages the City’s sanitary and storm sewer utility infrastructure.  It is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of City sewers, catch basins, manholes, lift stations, and related equipment.  
    • The Streets Department manages the City’s roads, parking lots, and rights of way. It is responsible for performing repairs, managing traffic signage, and providing seasonal snow plowing, chipping, and leaf vacuuming services.  
    • The Parks Department is responsible for the maintenance of all City parks, including: grass cutting, landscaping, and repair and replacement of park and playground equipment 
    • The Cemetery Department provides for the regular care and upkeep of the Peru City Cemetery. 

The Public Works Department also oversees the maintenance and upkeep of various other City buildings and grounds, including the City-owned Illinois Valley Regional Airport and landfill. The City’s water and wastewater treatment systems are managed by Total Environmental Service Technologies, Inc. (“TEST, Inc.”)  ( 

  • The Building and Zoning Department  The Building and Zoning Department is responsible for all phases of construction, permitting and inspections within the City. The Department reviews plans, issues permits and conducts field inspections for all construction projects ranging from a backyard shed to commercial projects. The review of building plans, issuance of permits and conducting inspections are all done in an effort to protect health, safety and general welfare of City residents.
  • The Engineering Department The Engineering Department is responsible for coordinating the city’s infrastructure and development projects. Engineering formulates the long term plans to address infrastructure needs, as well as planning for mandated programs, such as the sewer separation program. The department is responsible for project budget needs, outside consultant services, and coordination of construction activities. Engineering also provides support to many divisions of the city such as Public Works, Electric, Building and Zoning, and Economic Development.
  • The Department of Information Technology (IT) The IT Department ensures the City’s information technology (IT) operations, ensuring the department provides efficient and effective technical support service. Plans, implements, upgrades, and monitors security protocols for the protection of the City’s computer networks and information.
  • The Department of Parks, Recreation, and Special Events The Parks, Recreation and Special Events Department is responsible for developing, organizing, promoting and directing the recreational programs and special events within the City.  
  • The Office of Corporation Counsel The office of Corporation Counsel is to serve as legal advisor of the city and of all committees, commissions, boards and officials of the city and shall render advice on all legal questions affecting the city.
  • The Department Human Resources (HR)  The Human Resources Department is responsible for directing and coordinating functions relating to employment, labor relations, benefits, compensation, policies, training, and employment services. The department is committed to ensuring the fair treatment of employees, open communication, and personal accountability. Additionally, the HR Department strives to maintain a high performing and diverse workforce through employee engagement programs, while promoting safety, health, and wellness. 

Approximate Number of Full-Time and Part-Time City Employees: 109 

City of Peru Mayor, City Council, and Elected Officials 

Ken Kolowski, Mayor 
David R. Bartley, City Clerk 
Jackson Powell, City Treasurer 
Jeff Ballard, Alderperson (1st Ward) 
Bob Tieman, Alderperson (1st Ward) 
Tom Payton, Alderperson (2nd Ward) 
Jason Edgcomb, Alderperson (2nd Ward) 
Rick O’Sadnick, Alderperson (3rd Ward) 
Jim Lukosus, Alderperson (4th Ward) 
Andy Moreno, Alderperson (4th Ward) 


Peru Municipal Building (“City Hall”) 

1901 Fourth Street 

Peru, IL 61354 

Peru Public Safety Complex 

2650 N. Peoria Street 

Peru, IL 61354 

Peru Electric Department 

4005 Plank Road 

Peru, IL 61354 

Peru Public Works Building 

4003 Plank Road 

Peru, IL 61354 

Peru Fire Department 

816 West Street 

Peru, IL 61354 

Illinois Valley Regional Airport 

4251 Ed Urban Drive 

Peru, IL 61354 


Public Works Committee 
Jim Lukosus, Chairman 
Jeff Ballard, Member 
Mike Sapienza, Member 
Andy Moreno, Member 

Public Services Committee 
Jason Edgcomb, Chairman
Bob Tieman, Member 
Tom Payton, Member 
Rick O’Sadnick, Member 

Finance Committee 
Tom Payton, Chairman 
Bob Tieman, Member 
Mike Sapienza, Member 
Jeff Ballard, Member 

City of Peru Planning/Zoning Commission 
Cary Miller, Chairman 
Gary Grabowski, Member 
Mark Lucas, Member 
Jim Brady, Member 
Angela Kalsto, Member 
Kris Becker, Member
Floyd Jones, Member 

Police Pension Board 
Sherman Brumley, President (retired member) 
John Atkins, Vice President  
Tom Payton, Trustee 
Mark Credi, Secretary  
Josh Theisinger, Member  

Fire Pension Board 
Bill Krolak, President 
Matt McLaughlin, Vice President  
______________, Member 
Rick Abbot, Retired Member 
Dave Bartley, Secretary 
Jackson Powell, Treasurer 

Board of Fire and Police Commissioners 
Greg Vacarro, President 
Roelif M. Loveland, Vice President 
Jamey Mertel, Member 

City of Peru Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 
Steve Michelini, Chairperson 
Ray Zborowski, Member 

Jeff Puetz, Member 
Jill Bernal, Member 
John Fusinatto, Member 
Dan Eiten, Member 
Liz Grzybowski, Member 

The Freedom of Information Act, 096-0542, is the Illinois Statute governing the inspection of public records. This Act provides for public inspection of records in the possession of the City of Peru. Exemptions also are provided to insure the confidentiality of certain records. The Act went into effect on Jan. 1, 2010.

To Make a FOIA Request-General
Before you complete a Freedom of Information request, please check the City's website for the information that you're seeking. Use the search tool if you're looking for information pertaining to a specific subject. If you can't find what you're looking for, Submit a FOIA (preferred method). Written requests can be delivered to the FOIA Officer Stephanie Piscia by email at [email protected], by fax at (815) 223-9489, or in-person/mail at: City of Peru Clerk's Office at 1901 4th Street, Peru, IL 61354.

To Make a FOIA Request-Police Department
For police department specific records, please submit your request here (preferred method). Written requests can be delivered to the Police Department FOIA Officer Michelle Wagner by email at [email protected], by fax (815) 223-2267, or in-person/mail at: Peru Police Department at 2650 N. Peoria Street, Peru, IL 61354.

The City/Police Department will respond within five business days after the request is received (starting with the first business day after a request is received). In cases where additional time is necessary, a letter or communication will be sent within the five business day period. Any written request after business hours (normal business hours are considered to be 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (General FOIA) and 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (Police Department FOIA) Mondays through Fridays, holidays excepted) will be considered received on the next business day.

First 50 pages: No fee
51 pages and more: $0.15 per page
All other requests requiring outside duplication shall be charged the actual cost for the duplication.

FOIA Request Form 
(Printable form)

[Peru, IL] FOIA Request Form-(Fillable form)
ILCS 140/ Freedom of Information Act

FOIA Officer-Stephanie Pisica

FOIA Officer-Michelle Wagner (Peru Police Administrative Assistant)