The City of Peru utilizes the following platforms to disseminate information to the public. Be sure to subscribe to Stay Informed!
City of Peru, Illinois Offices
City of Peru, Illinois Parks and Recreation
Splash Field at Washington Park
Make sure to "Like" the City's Facebook pages above to view the latest news, events, photos, videos, live streams of council meetings and other information issued by the City of Peru.
Shaw Local (News Tribune)

Local newspaper providing news, views and other information of public interest. The newspaper is available in print form or online by clicking here.

The City of Peru utilizes the CodeRED community notification system to send time-sensitive emergency alerts and critical information to staff, residents and businesses. The system also sends non-emergency information such as road closures and trash collection schedule changes. Notification is customized, allowing residents to choose which alerts they’d like to sign up for and how they would prefer to receive them.
Residents can choose several different methods, including landline, cell phone, email, text message, TTY or a combination of any of the above. Sign up for the City's CodeREd Community Notification System here.